Thursday, March 17, 2011


Let us lift our voice to Him who is worthy of our praise 
Let us Lift our hands unto the One who deserves worship!
Let us sing and JUMP for joy.. for His love endures forever!
His love is unfailing...
His grace is unending...
There is none like You oh GOD...

Our Kuya/Pastor during college once told us not to sing songs that are not true to us.. that's why he only sing songs that are true to him.. we should not sing (or say) songs with lyrics such as "YOU ARE MY WORLD" if in your heart and in your life, God is not actually your world since it will make you a liar... or "I live for You" if you are not living for God or not yet.... 

When we come to God, be it in singing, dancing, drawing, praying, kneeling, and lifting our hands, God looks at our hearts... He will know if the words that come out from our mouths are true or not... 

"A time is coming, when true worshipers will come and worship Me in spirit and in truth."

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